NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover, designed for exploration, has recently showcased a different facet of its capabilities—serving as a celestial timekeeper on the Martian surface. During its […]
At the core of TechConfluence 24, Azam Malik, Co-founder of Future Fest and Managing Director of Ejad Lab, delivered an invigorating talk that went beyond the […]
The recent hosting of TechConfluence 24 by the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) proved to be a highly anticipated and student-organized event, offering a rich […]
Writing is an art, and with the surge in AI-powered writing tools, it’s no surprise that after an initial wariness, writers are looking for ways to […]
Hey there, fellow history enthusiasts! 🏰✨ Today, let’s embark on an in-depth journey to explore how Pakistan can harness the power of technology to safeguard and […]
It feels as if we have been hearing about ‘5G’ for years — because we have. However, contrary to popular belief, the immense hype consistently being […]
Have you ever thought about how technology has transformed the world around us? With each passing day, technology continues to advance, making it easier for us […]